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The International Student Health Hub is here to help

More about the HUB


As an international student in Australia, you are required to have overseas student health cover (OSHC) for the entire duration of your study in Australia. We’ve pulled together everything you need to know about OSHC.

OSHC includes cover for visits to the doctor, some hospital treatment, ambulance cover and limited medicines.


When it comes to safe sex and sexual health screening, it can be hard to know where to start and what information you need to know. We have pulled together everything you need to know about sex, STIs, HIV, breast awareness and cervical screening.

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Learning Hub

Designed by international students, for international students, the Hub has a range of free online learning modules to improve your knowledge about sexual health, relationships and consent.

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Mpox is rising in NSW

Be aware of symptoms and get vaccinated for the best protection. Anyone can get mpox. Currently, people most at risk of mpox in NSW are men who have sex with men, sex workers and their sexual partners.


Got questions? Read our mpox factsheet or call the NSW Sexual Health Infolink to learn more.

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Sexually transmissible infections (STIs) are more common than you think. Using condoms, STI testing every 6-12 months and getting treatment if needed, are all part of a healthy confident sex life.

What is an STI

Where can I get an STI test?

Our Top Nine
Frequently Asked
Sexual Health Questions

Have you ever had questions about sex and sexual health, and wondered if anyone else has the same questions?

Find out more

“Healthy relationships are built on a basis of respect, clear boundaries and consent.”

More about consent & relationships


Contraception is something people can use when they want to have sex, but do not want to become pregnant or have a baby. If you or someone you know is experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, you can get free and confidential information and support on your options.

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Not everyone will need to think about contraception as not all types of sex can result in pregnancy

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