This is 100% true, always. Consent should always follow FRIES: Freely given, Reversible, Informed, Enthusiastic, Specific.
Absolutely true. Just because you’ve had sexual contact with someone before doesn’t mean they’re obligated every time. Explicit consent is needed.
False. It doesn’t matter if it’s the first time you’re having sex with someone or the 100th, you NEVER have to do something you don’t want to.
False. Consent should never be assumed. It requires active & ongoing communication between both sexual partners.
This is true. If you’re using another form of birth control to prevent pregnancies, you’ll still need to use condoms to protect from STIs.
It’s true. But only if you use them correctly! Visit our condom page to brush up on your condom skills.
Absolutely false. Unfortunately, condoms don’t last forever. An expired condom is more likely to break during sex, so make sure you always check the expiration date before using.
Definitely false. There are so many condoms to try — ultra-thin, ribbed, varying sizes — you will find one that works for you. Plus, sex without the worry of unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted infections will always feel better.
It’s possible to get an STI via oral sex too, so using a condom — or a dental dam for mouth to vagina or mouth to anus sex — is the best way to stay safe.
It’s true. In fact, many sexually transmitted infections are easily treated if diagnosed early. Getting tested for them is quick and easy too.
False, sexually transmitted infections often have no symptoms at all. It’s another reason getting tested is so important.
True. Letting any current or previous sexual partner from the past 6 months know means they can get tested and treated if needed. It also means they won’t pass it back to you if you have sex again
Herpes is one of the most common infections in Australia, but most people who have it get such mild symptoms they never notice.
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